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Mastermind Community
Application & Payment

The Best Women's Mastermind for Success
Application Process
The application process is an important first step to place you on a team of success and action oriented women you can network with and who will provide you with resources, accountability for your life and business goals, and access to ideas that can only result from the combined "brain power" of a group of people committed to helping each other succeed. And Have Fun in the process!
The success of our Mastermind Community depends on your level of commitment and your integrity. Therefore, please complete the application as honestly as possible. The information you provide in this application is completely confidential and will be used for acceptance and placement purposes only.
After you completed this form, you will be contacted within 48 hours. Once you are accepted to our Mastermind Community, please note all information discussed in the group is confidential information and discussion of group topics, team conversations are not to be shared.
Important Notice: We allow 2 complimentary attendance to our meetings to evaluate if the Mastermind is a good fit for you. Therefore, there are no refunds; once you make the commitment.
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Please Contact us for more information on payment
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